Saturday, February 20, 2010

Crew e-mail #4 sent February 20, 2010


Below are the erg times I've recorded. If there is a correction needed, please tell me. I have extended the time to qualify to Tuesday afternoon due to the state swim meet. Note that coxswains do not need to qualify. I have assigned Marin and Lauren to cox the mens and womens varsity fours respectively. Brenden Hall has expressed an interest in coxing one of the novice boys crew. I still need a minimum of two additional coxswains. Please contact me if you are interested or have questions about the cox position.

2010 erg times (* indicates has yet to get below qualifying time)

Returning guys (coxswain will be Mairin)

7:27.8 Michael Farina
7:39.7 Jack Hall
7:49.8 Ben Salazar
7:56.7 Jaime Sigala
*8:01.2 A.J. Kelly
*8:01.5 Philip Villaverde

Returning girls (coxswain will be Lauren)

8:35.1 Trudy Stevens
8:51.2 Courtney Long
8:52.6 Erin Schoening
8:58.1 Reagan Henderson
*9:00.3 Anne Marie Kelly
*9:35.0 Ann Watts
*9:36.9 Devin Neal
*10:09.4 Lauren Minson (coxswain)
*10:19 Diana Dyer

Novice guys

7:30.5 Jakob Lejman
7:53.8 Brennan O’Meara
8:00.4 Amory Langley
8:03.3 Ryan Smith
8:12.3 Andrew Altobello
8:23.5 Ryan Wright
8:25.6 Thomas DiFazio
*9:08.5 Matt Colorito
*9:17.2 Brenden Hall (coxswain)

Novice girls
8:51.2 Allison Magno
8:54.1 Alexandra Mezza
9:00.8 Catherine Quill
9:04.6 Corey Nolan
9:09.6 Cara Monacchio
9:20.7 Rachel Titus
9:22.8 Pilar Martinez
9:23.2 Regina Paparo
9:25.7 Caitlin Stone
9:26.6 Caroline Simmons
9:28.7 Anna Mohler
*9:49.3 Andrea Eysaman
*9:49.9 Laura Morse

I have also created a blog site on blogger, mainly as a repository of old e-mails. I suspect that most communication will be via the group e-mail, but if you miss an e-mail, or want to find an older message, the blog site will be the place to go. The URL is You might want to save it a one of your favorites. I do not profess to be web savvy, so if one of you wants to create a more sophisticated website for the team you have my blessing. I can easily move the old communications to another site.

Lastly, I have scheduled an informational parent meeting Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. at the school. Please have one of your parents attend so I can meet them and discuss the parental responsibilities of crew team members (particularily transportation.) The meeting will be in the fourm and will not last longer than one hour.

Also, put on your calendar a meeting for rowers and parents at the boathouse at Lakewood Park next Saturday morning from 10:00 until 11:00 a.m.

Mr. B.

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