Saturday, December 31, 2022

Ergs on the move

 All eleven of the school's ergs are now in the mezzanine (two still tied into the Swingulator.) Pre-season conditioning starts the Tuesday we return. The erg room will be open until 5:00 pm each day. You need a current physical on file before you pull.

The 2023 regatta schedule is in planning mode. A few dates have been posted and should be complete by January 5th. (see the side bar to the right.)

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

On-the-Water practices start

 We are on the water! The schedule has been up-dated (see the sidebar to the right). Waivers have been distributed. All rowers must have a signed waiver before participating in any regatta. The technique flyer has been distributed.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Swingulator usage

 Try to get some time on the swingulator. Body prep, slide control, hand position - all can be polished on the swingulator before hitting the water.  Try pairing with someone who might be in your boat (novice girls with novice girls, for example) and try to keep the rate below 30 strokes per minute.

Below is a nice video on outside hand position. No, I won't be driving a nail through your hand...

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Tryouts start today - new EVSRA schedule posted

 Tryouts start today and run until next Wednesday, the 23rd. First priority on the ergs is given to those who need to pull a qualifying time.

Here are the regatta dates for EVSRA (the Eastern Virginia Scholastic Rowing Association) and other regattas in the area. We plan on attending the three EVSRA regattas at Botanical Garden.  Which other ones we might attend is still not pinned down. We will not row on Easter weekend.