Two more singles! Both need some work before we row them, but both should be ready for the spring (whenever that might be.)
First up is an Alden Star, a trainer design for novice scullers. The hull has three major cracks which I can repair. The putrid yellow color will be changed to the school's white with green chevrons. Once repaired, this boat will offer a nicer transition from a sweep boat to a racing single hull.
The better of the two is a Hudson lightweight. This boat is is great shape - minimum weight and needing very little work. The rigger will get a powder coat white finish and the grey deck will get a repaint, again white with green chevrons. The hull is suitable for rowers up to 135 pounds. With the right person trained up in it this boat will be as competitive as the heavyweight Hudson Charlie rowed at the HOCR .
We also got two pairs of sculling oars: a very nice C2set and a set designed for the Star. The Hudson also came with a hull cover and a roof carry rack, both will be used for any extended travel (maybe to Boston!) Stay tuned as these two new additions get prepped for the water.