Monday, October 19, 2020

Zach Day 2

 Zach is improving. Sunday he jumped in the Alden, first with the bantam blades and then with the full size blades. Still little pressure but lengthening the stroke. First video is with the training  blades.

Greater boat speed means more engine noise as I try to keep up....

This is with the full size blades.

Friday, October 16, 2020

The Socially Distant Shells in Action

Christian and Zach jumped into singles on a calm October afternoon. Gently working on technique with little pressure was the key to staying dry. The water temperature in the Lafayette River is still about 70 degrees so a swim is not terrible. March will be a different story!

The school owns five singles so we'll try to get more folks sculling soon. There is still no guarantee that sweep rowing will happen in the spring, unfortunately.

We did get news yesterday that the 36th annual Erg Sprints (a huge erg competition held at T.C. Williams high school in Alexandria, originally scheduled for January 31st, 2021) has been cancelled. No word yet on "our" erg pull...

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The socially distant rowing shell

It appears we may not be in team boats again in the spring of 2021. If that is the case we need to move our thinking to singles (and doubles if composed of two same sex family members.) The school owns four singles and one double. We may be able to acquire additional singles. 

Watch the following video and start thinking sculling. We do have some history with singles. Last year Charlie was working hard and probably would have taken the men's single state championship title, if the regatta was held. 

We can get there again if that's our only option.

From decent