Saturday, August 27, 2016

Learn-to-Row sessions continue

We had a nice group on Saturday the 27th -- almost enough to boat two eights (we actually rowed one eight as a seven, with an empty bow seat.) Thanks to Noah and Jess we had a couple of experienced coxswains. Thanks to the varsity that came and allowed us to get out to the larger part of the creek. I got some video with the go-pro. The edited footage is below. I hope to see you all next week!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Learn to Row sessions start August 13th

from 10:00-12:00 at Lakewood Park.

Try a new sport!
crew team is
recruiting new

Rowing (aka crew) at Bishop Sullivan Catholic High School is a varsity sport with competition among 17 area high school teams, both private and public, during the spring season. Because there is no organized “youth rowing” programs all high school students enter the sport as equals. If you’re intrigued with a new sport and you want to start even with everyone else, rowing may be the ticket.

Coach Bousquet, a math teacher and math department head at Bishop Sullivan Catholic, will offer free learn-to-row sessions on Saturday mornings this summer and fall for students planning on attending Catholic. Rising eighth graders from our feeder schools may also be eligible. The sessions will be held at the Robinson Rowing Center at Lakewood Park  in Norfolk 
(see the googlemap on the sidebar to the right). Monitor the team blog: for dates and times. Feel free to e-mail coach Bousquet at for more information.

So what might being on the crew team be like? Below are a few quotes from last year’s novices.

        This was my first year doing crew and I didn't know what to expect but I ended up finding a sport that I really like. I have learned what it's like to rely on teammates and how much my team mates rely on me. I really enjoyed being out on the water and becoming stronger at a new sport. -Katie O'Brien

    I enjoyed learning how to crew for my first year and work as a team with my fellow rowers. I attended "How to Crew" sessions over the summer and developed skills that I used on the racecourse. I have had so much fun this year, and I am planning to row again next season. Go Crusaders! -Gabby Kayal

    My experience on the crew team has been extremely memorable and exciting. I loved being out on the water in nature, being able to forget about the troubles and stresses of school, and row with kids. I formed a bond with everyone on the team, and that is what I enjoyed most about crew. -Noah Lee

    I had a great time this Crew season! The "Learn-How-to-Row" sessions this past summer really helped me prepare and develop the rowing skills needed for the upcoming season. Crew is a worthwhile experience where you can have fun working as a team, as well as developing great relationships and friendships with your teammates! Go Crew and CRU! -Christy Kayal

    During the fall session, it helped me prepare for the upcoming crew season. Once the crew season started, I already knew the basics of rowing and rigging and de-rigging a boat. Another plus was that I had established relationships with the some of the crew team. During the crew season, winning first place in the men's novice 4 boat at the end of the season made me realize that working together as a team was a great accomplishment. I built not only physical strength but also friendships. -Rolando Banaag

    I really enjoyed crew this year and look forward to next year! I met so many new friends and learned great rowing technique that I will be able to use for the crew seasons ahead of me. Go Crusaders! -Hali Elliott

So we can get an idea on numbers and who might be attending, please e-mail coach Bousquet with your name and grade before Saturday morning. Sessions are weather dependent and if the weather conditions are not suitable he will inform everyone late Friday night that the session will be cancelled. 
