Sunday, February 17, 2013

Erg-ing has begun, additional crew recruiting


For the next two weeks we will have "try-outs" for the crew team. Below is the erg ladder as it presently stands (note that a number of folks from last year haven't pulled a piece at all.) I've also hung the single from the ceiling of the cafeteria to attract attention about our team. Talk up the try-out process. The only requirement is that all potential team members have a current physical on file.

To help motivate you I'm including an instructional erg video below.

Start climbing the ladder!

Varsity Guys          Cut Time 8:00.0 

1. Russell Gray                         7:31.0*
2. Joseph DeMartino                7:34.5
3. Daniel Scarpelli                    8:47.9                       

            NT  Connor Edgington
            NT  Kellen Hutchins    
            NT  Brian McKenna  
            NT  Juan Sigala 
            NT  Yusuf Tejada                                

 Varsity Girls            Cut Time 9:00.0

1. Megan Prokopius                 8:14.7*
2. Cara Monacchio                   8:40.5
3. Natalie Knorr                       8:42.0
4. Anna King                           8:54.6
5. Taylor Shubert                     8:58.9
6. Meredith Fierro                    9:03.4
7. Becky Wild                          9:04.0
8. Melissa Benvenuto               9:07.6
9. Nealy Henderson                  9:09.4 

            NT  Kat Cabacoy 
            NT  Rachel Gerber
            NT  Yunji Joo
            NT  Anna Mohler
            NT  Kaitlyn Morse 
            NT  Corey Nolan 
            NT  Amanda Newbern 
            NT  Airielle Prevatte  
            NT  Jordan Shubert                 
Novice Guys           Cut Time 8:45.0

1. Anthony Fillio                       8:04.6
2. Robert Turner                        8:19.9
3. Young Jae Lee                       8:23.0
4. William Shubert                    8:24.5
5. Kevin Lee                              8:35.7
6. Jarod Eppley                          8:47.0
7. Nathan Berkey                       9:05.3
8. Nick Sorber                           9:45.1

            NT  Ryan Layton
            NT  James McNamara
            NT  Riley Pitchford 

Novice Girls            Cut Time 9:30.0 

1. Lillian Walsh                        9:33.9
2. Maddy Gilman                      9:52.6
3. Victoria Rojas                     10:48.9 

            NT  Marisa Berkey
            NT  Sophie Jiting
            NT  Julie Legurio
            NT  Heather Tran
            NT  Abigail Watkins 

Coxswains, alphbetically
(1000 m times unless otherwise noted) 

Angelica Collins (cox)  5:37.?
Brendan Hall (cox)  7:51.9 (2000m) 
Will Harris (cox) 9:02.7 (2000m)
Hanna Mack (cox)  4:55.2
Pilar Martinez (cox) 4:63.2 J
Nick Sorber  (cox/rower) 4:36.1
Caitlin Stone (cox)
Grace Walker (cox)  5:45.4

Thursday, February 7, 2013

2013 Pre-season information

I recently attended the pre-season coach's meeting for the Eastern Virginia Scholastic Rowing Association (EVSRA) and we firmed up the sprint regatta schedule. The revisions are shown in the sidebar to the right.  This weekend is the Hampton Roads Erg Pull where some of our team will be competing. Come on down (spectators are free) and watch the fun. The first heat is at 8:30 a.m. Below is a video of Matthew Segal competing at Boston's CRASH-B world indoor championships. Heady stuff to watch a 17 year old lightweight pull a 6:22.1.  Our lowest time in the entire history of the program was Mike Farina's 6:58.0 last year. Talk about a hammer...

Happening soon is a referee clinic to be held by George Bangs, our local USRowing guru. Our area needs additional referees for high school regattas. If parents are interested in helping officiate at Botanical Gardens there is an oportunity to become a US Rowing referee. More info to come.

There is a revision for the lightweight designation for this season. Men are capped at 150 pounds; women at 130 pounds. These weightswill be enforced at the state champs so you are given a two pound allowance for the EVSRA regionals. If you intend to compete in a lightweight crew, start thinking about who might row with you. Last year we fielded only a light women's four; perhaps we will have a men's light four as well.
USRowing, the national organization, has free basic membership. I encourage all to join (again at NO COST) because you are able to sign the USRowing waiver, a requirement for most regattas. The link to USRowing is here.
We will be continuing to erg through the next few weeks. I hope everybody can pull a qualifying time before February 28th/March 1st. We'll be on the water, weather permitting, on March 4th.