Thursday, March 25, 2021

First row of the season


After a long hiatus, we launched a sweep boat on the 24th of March. Looking back it was about a year ago that we were told to stop activities due to COVID-19. A year later, coaches are vaccinated, athletes have protocols about masking and distancing, and the team is broken into "pods" where we can trace any close contacts of those who might get sick.

Even though the EVSRA racing schedule has all but been pared to nothing, there is light at the end of the tunnel. For the near-term we will focus on technique and training so we'll be prepared for the next racing season, whenever that may come.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Moving Day


The ergs have been moved to the boathouse. An erg forest has sprung up in the boathouse. We expect to be on the water this week!. Check the rowing team googleclass for details.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Try-outs for the 2021 season

 Try-outs for all spring sports begin the week of March 14th. We will be in the gym after school on Monday and Tuesday the 15th and 16th for tryouts (a piece on a rowing machine.) On-the-water practices should begin later that week after the parents' meeting a a date T.B.A.

To try out for any spring sport you need a completed physical on file with the athletic director or trainer.

For the rowing team you also need to know how to swim.

No rowing experience is required. It is unclear whether we will be rowing the team boats (like the eight in the cafeteria) or singles (1 person to a boat.) While our hope it to row fours and eights, we'll certainly start out with ergging and land drills.

Review the Concept 2 video below on technique on the erg.