Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Look Back

Rather an obvious title for a rowing post (that's all most rowers do, "look back.") What prompts this post is a nice e-mail I got yesterday from Jane Saunders, copied below.

Mr. Bousquet,

My name is Jane Saunders. I don't know if you remember me, but I was one of your rowers during the 2008-2009 school year. I was three seat behind Reagan Henderson in the novice four. I wanted to thank you for introducing me to the sport, as it has become a real passion of mine.

Upon leaving Bishop Sullivan, I had a year away from the sport, while living in Delaware, but picked it back up when I moved to Naples, Italy. I was offered the opportunity to train with a local men's club team called CRV Italia. I was taught to scull and I left by myself to train and learn from the older boys.

I am now a sophomore at the United States Coast Guard Academy. Last year, I rowed stroke seat for the novice eight. We won first place in the petite final of the New England regatta, fourth in the grand final at East Coast Athletic Conference Championships, and I was named to the Novice NEWMAC Conference Team. I made the varsity eight this year and we were given the opportunity to row at the Head of the Charles. The team is small and young but very strong. It reminds me a lot of my season at Bishop Sullivan.

Thank you again for developing me as an athlete and introducing me to this gorgeous sport. You created the spark.


With a couple of pix included:

So I started thinking about the last fourteen (yes, 14) crew seasons and all the folks who have rowed for Catholic High. It started in the fall of 1999 when Victoria Klein, a senior who had rowed in Germany, came to me and asked about rowing in the Tidewater area. I put her in touch with the Hampton Roads Rowing Club where she met James Thomson, the club president. James told her, "Vickie, if you get four other girls from Catholic you can have a high school rowing team." So, Victoria found four other seniors (Christi Fallon, Jen Finley, Kristen Knecht as novice rowers and Bridgett Smith as a coxswain) and all came to me asking if I would coach them. I said yes, then bought a used 4 from the Virginia Rowing Club and Catholic High had a crew team! That spring we fielded three crews, all novices, sharing the same hull (Veni Vedi Vici) and joined the EVSRA. 

Below is a spread sheet showing the folks who have rowed for Catholic. I'm sure I missed some folks from the early years (I can't find the 2001 team list at all in my records.) If you have any missing information please comment and I'll add to the listings. Folks who rowed all four years are in bold. We'll start conditioning for the 2014 spring sprint season as soon as we get back from the Christmas break. Pull hard, Crusaders!

Last        First      
Name     Name        
Altobello   Andrew                                                                  2010  2011  2012 
Amos        Tiffany                 2002                                                             
Archer      Evan        2000                                                                         
Avant      Josh                 2002 2003 2004 2005                                      
Barger      Spencer                                                                       2011       
Beaver      Katie                                                 2007                               
Becerra     Adam                                                  2008                         
Becerra     Eduardo                                                     2008                         
Becker      Mary                                      2005  2006  2007                               
Benvenuto  Melissa                                                                             2012  2013
Berkey      Nathan                                                                                    2013
Bishop      Josh        2000                                                                         
Brew        Kevin                                                                         2011       
Briggs      Kevin                                     2005  2006  2007                               
Brown       Lauren                                          2006  2007      2008                         
Bryant      Isa                                 2004  2005  2006  2007                               
Cabacoy     Kat                                                                                 2012 
Cain        Natalie     2000                                                                         
Camacho     Jeremy                  2002  2003  2004  2005                                           
Canepa      Andrew      2000                                                                         
Cenzon      Kimmie                                                            2009                   
Chang       Mary                                                  2008      2009                   
Chang       Anna                                                                          2011  2012 
Chavers     Kyle                    2002  2003                                                       
Clark       Erin                    2002  2003                                                       
Clark       Meghan                  2002  2003  2004  2005                                           
Colorito    Matt                                                              2010        2011  2012 
Crocker     Kyle                                                  2007      2008                         
Daniels     Katie                   2002  2003                                                       
Davey       Suzanne                 2002  2003                                                       
DeCastro    Nicole                                                2007                               
DeMartino  Joseph                                                                              2012  2013
Dexter      Audrey                  2002  2003  2004  2005                                           
Dexter      Erin        2000                                                                         
Dexter      John        2000  2001  2002                                                             
Dickerson   Darden                                                      2008  2009                   
DiFazio     Thomas                                                                  2010  2011  2012 
Donner      Mark                    2002  2003                                                       
Downs       Chris                                     2005                                           
Downs       Justin                  2002  2003  2004  2005                                           
Drewiske    Jeff        2000                                                                         
Duran       Nick        2000                                                                         
Dwyer       Kaitlin                                         2006                                     
Dyer        Diana                                                 2007      2008  2009                   
Edgington  Connor                                                                              2012  2013
Emde        Alyson      2000                                                                         
Enriquez    Mike                          2003                                                       
Eppley      Jarod                                                                                     2013
Eysaman     Andrea                                                                  2010  2011  2012 
Fallon      Christi     2000                                                                         
Farina      Michael                                                           2009  2010  2011  2012 
Fierro      Meredith                                                                            2012  2013
Fillio      Anthony                                                                                   2013
Finley      Jennifer    2000                                                                         
Flynn       Erin                                      2005  2006                                     
Forren      Cameron                                                                       2011       
Free        Chris                                     2005  2006  2007      2008                         
Galanides   Taylor                                                                        2011        2013
Gerber      Rachel                                                                              2012  2013
Gordon      Erin                    2002  2003                                                       
Gray        Russell                                                                       2011  2012  2013
Hall        Brendan                                                                 2010  2011  2012  2013
Hall        Jack                                                        2008  2009  2010             
Harris      Will                                                                          2011  2012  2013
Harvey      Sarah                   2002  2003                                                       
Hearn       Parris                                          2006                                     
Henderson   Reagan                                                            2009  2010  2011  2012 
Henderson  Nealy                                                                               2012  2013
Hogan       Brittany                                        2006                                     
Hood        Ryan                          2003  2004  2005                                           
Houston     Jeremy      2000                                                                         
Hutchins    Kellen                                                                              2012  2013
Hylton      Jessica                                                     2008                         
Johnson     Sean        2000                                                                         
Joo        Yunji                                                                               2012 
Jung        Hyunjin                                                                             2012 
Kang        Yuna                                                                                2012 
Kelly       A.J.                                                        2008  2009  2010  2011       
Kelly       Ann Marie                                                   2008  2009  2010  2011       
Kelly       Kevin                                                       2008  2009                   
Kim         Yuri                                                        2008                         
Kim        Alex                                                                          2011  2012 
King        Anna                                                                                2012  2013
Klein       Victoria    2000                                                                         
Knecht      Kristen     2000                                                                         
Knorr       Natalie                                                                       2011  2012  2013
Ko          Ara                                                   2007      2008                         
Ko          Minji                                                 2007      2008                         
Kopanski    Katie                   2002  2003                                                       
Koucheravy  Liz                     2002                                                             
Lambert     Jesse                   2002                                                             
Lassiter    Holt                                                                    2010  2011  2012 
Lee         Jina                                                  2007      2008                         
Lee         Kevin                                                                                     2013
Lee         Young Jae                                                                                 2013
Leeson      Haleigh                 2002                                                             
Lejman      Jakob                                                                   2010             
Linardich   Christi     2000                                                                         
Lockett     Sully                                           2006  2007      2008                         
Long        Courtney                                                          2009  2010  2011  2012 
Lynch       Chad                                                                          2011       
Mack       Hana                                                                          2011  2012  2013
Magno       Allison                                                                 2010             
Malloy      Meghan      2000                                                                         
Manning     Russell                                   2005                                           
Manuel      Gabby                                                 2007      2008                         
Martinez    Pilar                                                                   2010  2011  2012  2013
McAvoy      Moira                                                       2008                         
McCune      Victoria                                  2005                                           
McGonagle   Anne                                            2006  2007                               
McKenna     Brian                                                                               2012  2013
McNaught    Lauren                                    2005  2006  2007      2008                         
Mears       Kelly                                     2005                                           
Merrill     Amanda                  2002                                                             
Mezza       Alexandra                                                               2010  2011       
Minson      Lauren                                                      2008  2009  2010  2011       
Mohler      Anna                                                                    2010  2011  2012 
Monacchio   Cara                                                                    2010  2011  2012  2013
Monaghan    theresa                                   2005                                           
Morse       Laura                                                                   2010  2011  2012 
Morse       Kaitlyn                                                                       2011  2012  2013
Neal        Devin                                                             2009                   
Newbern     Amanda                                                                        2011  2012  2013
Nolan       Corey                                                                   2010  2011  2012 
Norton      Scottie                 2002                                                             
O'Brien     Mairin                                          2006  2007      2008  2009  2010             
Odegaard    Kristen                       2003  2004  2005                                           
Odegaard    Laura       2000                                                                         
O'Meara     Brennan                                                                 2010  2011  2012 
Payne       Christina   2000                                                                         
Person      Janelle                 2002  2003                                                       
Peterson    Mike                                                        2008                         
Petrovich   Ellen                                                                                     2013
Prentiss    Whitney                       2003  2004  2005                                           
Prevatte    Airielle                                                                      2011  2012  2013
Prokopius  Megan                                                                         2011  2012  2013
Quill       Catherine                                                               2010             
Rashid      Aziza       2000                                                                         
Reinagel    Heather                                   2005                                           
Remich      Jeff                    2002                                                             
Roberts     Cole                                                              2009                   
Salazar     Ben                                                         2008  2009  2010             
Salazar     Thomas                                                                        2011       
Saunders    Jane                                                              2009                   
Scarpelli  Daniel                                                                              2012  2013
Schoening   Erin                                                              2009  2010  2011       
Schrader    Mandy                         2003  2004  2005                                           
Schrader    Meg                     2002  2003                                                       
Schwing     Michael                                                     2008  2009  2010  2011       
Sharp       Mandy                   2002  2003  2004  2005                                           
Shubert     William                                                                                   2013
Shubert     Jordan                                                                        2011  2012  2013
Shubert     Taylor                                                                        2011  2012  2013
Sigala      Jaime                                                             2009  2010  2011  2012 
Sigala      Juan                                                                          2011  2012  2013
Silver      Shannon     2000  2001  2002                                                             
Silver      Sydney                  2002                                                             
Simmons     Caroline                                                                      2011  2012 
Smith       Bridgett    2000                                                                         
Smith       Ryan                                                                    2010  2011       
Snellings   Liz                     2002  2003                                                       
Sorber      Nick                                                                                      2013
Stevens     Trudy                                           2006  2007      2008  2009  2010             
Stone       Caitlin                                                                 2010  2011  2012 
Strauser    Ethan                                     2005  2006  2007      2008                         
Tejada      Yusuf                                                                         2011  2012 
Thomas      Dustin                                    2005  2006  2007      2008                         
Thompson    Danielle                                              2007                               
Titus       James                                                                         2011       
Titus       Rachel                                                                  2010             
Turner      Robert                                                                                    2013
Villaverde  Philip                                                            2009  2010  2011  2012 
Walker      Grace                                                                                     2013
Walker      Nicole                  2002                                                             
Walsh       Lillian                                                                                   2013
Walsh       Ryan                                      2005  2006  2007      2008                         
Watts       Ann                                                   2007      2008  2009  2010             
Watts       Jeremy                                                                        2011       
Wayler      Josh                                            2006  2007      2008  2009                   
Welch       Marissa                                         2006  2007      2008  2009                   
Welch       Matt                    2002  2003                                                       
White       Rebecca                                                                                   2013
Wild        Becky                                                                               2012  2013
Williams    Kady                                      2005                                           
Winchester  Jessica                 2002                                                             
Wood        Matt                                      2005  2006  2007      2008                         
Wren        Will                                                  2007                               
Zawacki     Melissa                 2002  2003  2004  2005                                            

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