Saturday, May 19, 2012

End-of-the-Season Wrap-up

Well done to all! We have officially wrapped up the 2012 spring sprint season and we are winding down to the summer off-season. We'll miss our graduating seniors: Andrew, Holt, Jaime, Mike, Matt, Phil, Thomas, Alex, Hyunjin, Andi, Courtney, Reagan, Caroline, and Laura. Please stay in touch if any of you would like to row during the summer.

A huge thank-you to the Sigalas for hosting the end-of-the-year party. If anyone has any pictures they want to share, feel free to send them and I'd add then to this post.

For those wishing for additional opportunities during the summer, consider attending a camp. There are a number of "crew camps" in the mid-Atlantic region. Some that team members have attended include William and Mary and the Naval Academy. Others nearby include ODU,  UVA, George Washington, Carolina Rowing Camps, and Chesapeake Crew Camp.

Some web links:

In addition to the above overnight camps, I will be having some rowing opportunities, especially for incoming freshmen, during August. I'll need some team members to assist (a couple of pairs in the eight, for example.)  More info is to come.

Also, as mentioned at the party, I'll be repairing the Hudson single and the Vespoli four that we got at the end of the season. Those wishing to help should drop me a note and I'll shoot e-mails as those projects come around.  Once the single is repaired, I'll teach whomever wants to learn the technique of sculling. Again, just drop me a note.

Lastly, we still have the concession operation at the May 30th middle school track meet as a huge fund-raising opportunity. I know it's during exam week, but since we get out at 1:00 it would be a nice break from cramming to relax and hawk a hot dog or soda. Last year we raised almost $2000 at this track meet! PLEASE plan on helping, even if it's only for a couple of hours.

Thanks, again for a great season.

48 pieces of teamwork!

Mr. B.

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