Monday, January 17, 2011

Gearing up for the 2011 Season

Welcome back from exams! Pre-season conditioning will begin tomorrow after school in the football trailer behind the gym. I need the four ergs brought back so rowers can start pulling pieces. One near-term goal is participation in the Hampton Roads Erg-Pull, this year to be held on Saturday the 12th at the Waterside Festival Marketplace in downtown Norfolk.

Team selection won't be finalized until the last week in February and will again be based on erg scores. Preliminary boat and seat assignments will be made before March. I've also posted a preliminary regatta schedule to the right.

This season we have a new coach's launch and an assistant coach (Mr. O'Brien, Mairin's dad.) Also, Ethan Strauser has offered to drop by a few days after school to assist.

I'm looking forward to this season and can't wait until warm weather!