Sunday, April 25, 2010

EVSRA Championships Results

For the first time in the history of the rowing program at Catholic High, we have medaled in the Regional Championship.  This is a significant accomplishment considering there were nineteen teams participating and most of them started rowing in August. The fact that our novice crews, having first set foot in a shell only in March seven weeks ago, did so well against other novices is especially noteworthy. Well done!

Special props to our girls varsity who rowed three times down the lake and still managed to look elegant at the prom last night. You, too, Mairin! (Ben, A.J., and Jake, you three cleaned up okay but sorta lacked the elegance of the ladies ;-)

Below is the referees' times sheet. Even though it's not usual to compare times between heats and events, due to the still water and light winds, I think it may be reasonable to see how you compared with the other crews. I'm looking forward to the Independent Schools Championships in a couple of weeks.

Another short note about the practice and regatta schedule for the next couple of weeks will come out tonight.

Mr. B.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

EVSRA Championships.

As promised, here's the schedule.

Mr. B.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Results of April 17th Spring II Regatta


We did well yesterday. There were eight schools participating and there were 14 different events run. We entered crews in 9 of the 14 events (we did not enter the MLt4, the MV8, the MN8, the WV8, nor the sculling event M2X.)  Considering interheat times in the events with more than one heat (the MN4, the WV4, the MV4) we managed to place third in five of the scored events (mixed events score no points.) Of course, in the mixed events we added another third and a first (pictured above.) You may have seen the results published in today's sports section of The Virginian Pilot. Notice Cape Henry and Broadwater (a couple of our independent schools competitors) didn't even get a mention. Of course, we still have some work cut out for us to consistently beat Academy and Collegiate.

A word about next week's regatta, the EVSRA Regional Championship. This large regatta, with 16 schools participating, has a "no double rowing rule" since it will qualify crews from the public schools to participate in the state championships two weeks later. This means that if we field both a WM4 and a WN8 crew, for example, only one of the entries will score points and be eligible for ribbons/medals, and the other entry will be an "exhibition," allowed to row just to enable the odd number of rowers to participate. Additionally, events with more than five entries will be broken into heats (like yesterday's MN4, MV4, and WV4 events) with the top two heat winners moving into a final event rowed about an hour later. Only the top three boats in the finals will win ribbons/medals.  And while there will probably be mixed events (and possibly a coxswain's race) at the end of the day, none of those will score points.  All-in-all, the regatta will be much longer than yesterday's regatta. Expect to stay until approximately 3:00 p.m. before heading to the boathouse to unload.